What is HuiGuan?

HuiGuan is a progressive membership registry maintenance web application designed to provide an easy and streamlined experience for organizations to maintain their membership base. The name HuiGuan comes from the Chinese word 會館 meaning "meeting hall". As the name suggests, the HuiGuan web application was designed to further assist organizations to maintain their membership registry and provide them with additional tools to gather data on their members.

What can you do with HuiGuan?

With HuiGuan an organization can

    Add, maintain, edit and delete users, members and data related to them Gather data on their members in report form Create, maintain and delete different events and enrolment forms for users Distribute files, notifications and ideas to users Gather and process sign-up forms

How does HuiGuan work?

HuiGuan stores data on the organization's users in a secure database and utilizes Microsoft IdentityServer technology to make sure only users authorized by the organization have access to sensitive data. HuiGuan follows the requirements and rules set by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation; every instance of accessing sensitive data is surveilled and recorded into the organization's database, and the users have the right to ask for both a complete record of data and a complete removal of data gathered on them.

New user

A user is the base entity acting as an avatar for a member registered in the database. To view user-restricted content, a member has to be authorized via logging in to the system using their username and password. Even though some pages on the site are available without authorization, other pages on the site could still require the user to be authorized for access. A user works as a collection of data on the linked member. This data includes member's personal information and information on their membership, roles, enrolments and accessed data in the system.

What are the rights of a user?

Under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation any user who submits their data to an organization's data storage is entitled to have their personal data protected from theft and misuse by said organization. Personal data includes all information on the user that can be used in identifying said user. In a case of data theft the organization is required to notify the user and the authorities. The data on the user can only be accessed and handled with consent from the user. The user is also entitled to access their own personal data in terms of being provided information on how their data is handled. The user is entitled to a complete collection or a complete removal of their personal data upon request. Removal of personal data can be performed either by deletion or pseydonymization (identifiable data is replaced with pseudonyms).

User privacy

Upon adding their data into the system a member consents that their personal data can be maintained, edited or deleted by one or more authorized persons. Authorized persons may include people from the organization's legislative organs or people authorized by said organs. Regular unauthorized users or users without authorization by the organization don't have access to sensitive personal data. The following data gathered on the user is considered personal and therefore private:

    Name, contact information, address or any piece of data that can be used in identifying the user Password* Membership type, status, beginning date, ending date and payment information Uploaded files that the user has marked private

*HuiGuan utilizes Microsoft's IdentityServer technology, which means that the user's password in stored in the database in hashed form. This means that no-one, not even the admin, can access the password in its normalized form. Therefore in a situation in which a user has lost their password, it cannot be recovered, and the user must create a new password to replace the old one.

New user

A new user can access pages and functionalities that have been annotated available for unauthorized users. A visitor to the site can apply for an account in the system by filling out a membership form or contacting the system administarator. By creating the account the user consents to the policies and practices of user data treatment set by the organization.

How do I use HuiGuan?

HuiGuan is a system consisting of several pages and functionalities. An user can access any pages and functionalities that are annotated available to their role within the site. A user can:

    Browse through pages using the vertical navigation bar on the left side of the page. The bar can be expanded and contracted using the arrow on top of the bar. The bar contains links to pages on the site. The availability of each link depends on the users active roles within the site. View and edit their personal information on their account page. The account page can be accessed using the dropdown menu that can be opened by clicking the user's username on the horizontal navigation bar on top of the page. Access role-specific functionalities. Role-specific functionalities are not available for unauthorized users, and they include actions such as creating and publishing events, adding and editing controls and adding, editing and assigning roles.

About Me

I am Mikko Marttila, creator and administrator of HuiGuan. I am a professional full-stack developer. I have studied computer science in University of Turku, Finland, where I got my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree. I have worked on the IT field for two years. I decided to create HuiGuan not to sell a commercial product but to showcase of my skills as a developer, and as of time of writing I have spent months working on it and further designing new features.

Working on websites, front and back, is my passion; designing complex SQL scripts and CSS styles brings me joy to almost no end. The name "HuiGuan" reflects my other passion outside IT; East Asian cultures. One year of college I spent studying Mandarin Chinese in Chengdu, China. While this had nothing to do with my professional career, I certainly hope that one day I might be able to return to my other passion and either work with an Asian company or, better yet, work in Asia. To make HuiGuan reflect both of my career and my interests, I decided to name my pet project after a Chinese word for "meeting hall".

Professional Experience

My professional experience on full-stack development covers a lot of methods and technologies;

    ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic, CSS SQL, Microsoft SQL Server Sensitive data handling and management standards Microsoft Office and Power BI

Most of my professional career I have worked for Kehätieto Oy, a Finnish company specializing in providing digital data management services for non-profit organizations. I have learned a lot from programming, business economics and data handling working in Kehätieto. HuiGuan is a showcase of skills I have built up over the years while working on Kilta, a centralized membership management system owned by Kehätieto Oy.

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